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Mesh Engine

Efficient 3D mesh generation from images.

Bring imagination
to the next level.

Mesh Engine AI model instantly turns your images into 3D assets.

It is based on LRM(Large Reconstruction Models)/Instant3D architecture. Mesh Engine crafts 3D mesh model from any single image asset for any purpose in a super short time (about 4 minutes only).

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Instant and efficient 3D mesh generation from images.

Mesh Engine generates multiview images, crafts OBJ file along with optional MTL and texture map or with GLB file and an MP4 animation video in only around 4 minutes.

Quality is iteration.

Iterate fast. Mesh Engine crafts an efficient 3D mesh from a single image around 4 minutes with no hassle and only for 10 credits ($0.1). Soon, the generation time will be reduced to under 1 minute.

More features coming

  • Multiview image to 3D mesh generation
  • Text to 3D mesh generation
  • Auto rigifying 3D meshes
  • Text to motion generation